Broccoli Grille

The veteran-owned and family-friendly Broccoli Grille is a 100% organic and plant-based restaurant that introduces a healthier southern hospitality taste to new and dedicated vegan lovers. We have a selected menu of organic and plant-based comfort foods seasoned with organic spices to give customers a healthy taste of the Memphis south. The plants used were methodically researched, and the best farmers were picked, so we can provide the vitamins and minerals proven to protect immune systems and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Choose Broccoli Grille and join our mission to provide plant-based options that focus on a healthy lifestyle while protect the planet and saving animals.
Explore Our Menu

Vegan Wings
Our delicious Vegan Wings are impossible to resist. These wings will satisfy any desire for Memphis BBQ! Stop by and try a healthier version! The "weight" won't get you upset!
Always Fresh, Always Tasty
The term “must-have” may be a cliché, but we definitely have some signature goods that you just have to try. Come visit us today or explore our menu to find new favorites to fall in love with.

Opening Hours
Dine With Us
Monday - Friday
12:00pm - 10:00pm
Saturday and Sunday
11:00am - 9:00pm
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Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
8:00 am – 8:00 pm
9:00 am – 7:00 pm
9:00 am – 9:00 pm
Hand in Hand
Broccoli Grille balances its for-profit activities with initiatives that serve the community to demonstrate social responsibility. Our business's "socially responsible marketing" strategy incorporates the pros and cons of eating organic and plant-based food. Broccoli Grille will conduct business by delivering fresh and healthy products to preserve America's health, our families, and our livelihood. Through this, our company is obligated to ensure a healthy paramount culture in the Memphis region as it serves as a chance to liberate the community and create a #bettersociety.
Broccoli Grille understands the universal need for consumers to consider shifting to a plant-based diet that helps reduce mortality and greenhouse gases that could save over 79 million human lives and prevent 5.1 million deaths a year. The facts about organic food we provide ensure customers we take our food products' specific production and processing requirements seriously. To gain customers' trust and build repeat customers, Broccoli Grille carefully selects farmers with a presence to spread awareness. The organic certification verifies that products offered by Broccoli Grille meet the USDA requirements from farm to market.
Like other businesses, Broccoli Grille Company is compelled to create job opportunities for the neighboring citizens of Shelby County. Our inclusion and diversity policy show employees how they are linked to Broccoli Grille's mission, purpose, and objective. Promoting inclusion and diversity creates a healthy work environment and reassures employees that Broccoli Grille is unwavering in creating and maintaining a restaurant free from harassment and other workplace immortalities. On a brand-to-consumer level, our inclusive marketing campaigns speak to all groups of people, including marginalized and underrepresented groups. The more diversity Broccoli Grille can achieve, the more people it can reach to help save the planet quickly. Even more, our increased profit into local programs that concentrate on people and the planet to give back goes #HandinHand with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics that help quantify our social efforts.
Lastly, at Broccoli Grille, we nurture and support some of the state's most innovative and effective vegan advocacy. Our goal is to create a livable future for us all. That is why we have a thorough farmer selection process to ensure the environment is well conserved and kept clean for a conducive stay in society.

Flexitarian to Vegetarian - Flavorful and Bold Movement
Memphis is the homeland of BBQ. Tennesseans love watching over 10 million people a year flock to the city to find the best spot to satisfy their taste buds. What if I told you that our Broccoli Grille restaurant offers the same great taste as meat, but you leave feeling light and healthy after the experience? Allowing patrons to take small steps to become vegan comes easy for Broccoli Grille simply because nothing is boring, bland, or unpalatable on the menu. We have a research team that has collected natural and organic spices to bring the #JustAsGood taste you desire when eating Memphis BBQ.
Our delicious and bold menu layout of nutritious plant-based protein products will leave even Flexitarian speechless. The specialty "Everything Burger" was created from 100% organic and plant-based ingredients and flavored with the right amount of southern style seasoning will make Flexitarians go #SlapAFriend. Vegetarians, vegans, and flexitarians alike will enjoy the kick our southern-style spices provide without adding the weight you want to avoid. Unlike no other, Broccoli Grille's menu is filled with melt-in-your-mouth selections that send the body into a lifestyle shockwave. Broccoli Grille’s slogan "Dear Body, Don't Panic – It's the REAL Organic!" is a forewarning to brace the body for unbelievable satisfaction.
Beginners Guide to Plant-Based Eating
Why eat Plant Foods? Because plants are rich in essential nutrients not found in other foods. Plants boost the immune system, decrease body inflammation, sustain a healthy weight, enhance dietary fiber, and lower cancer risk. The Shelby County community consistently experiences exceptionally high rates of type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and other preventable illnesses; therefore, healthy eating should be on everyone's agenda. Broccoli Grille provides a balanced diet of items consistent with cholesterols, calories, and fat reduction.
How do we do it? Broccoli Grille partners with state and local approved certified organic farmers to ensure the integrity of the USDA Organic label seen on the fresh products used in our restaurant. Using local farmers helps strengthen the economy and keeps the community clean and green. Furthermore, purchasing from local organic farms makes Broccoli Grille's seasonal menu exciting and provides patrons the excellent opportunity to try new fresh dishes that accommodate all seasons.
Environmentally Friendly
Broccoli Grille's restaurant equipment received an upgrade to Energy Star models, and we practiced the process of separating paper and plastic. The restaurant has taken the proper steps to conserve water and energy. We use natural cleaning products (non-toxic chemicals and biodegradable) to promote the plant's health, our customers, and staff members. Signage around the restaurant encourages customers to recycle to enjoy the experience of dining in a clean and environmentally-friendly restaurant.
Flexitarians, vegetarians, and vegans will discover that Broccoli Grille is committed to accommodating Shelby County’s growing organic and plant-based food demand. Our menu is entirely free from chemicals, pesticides, hormones, or animal waste, allowing us to serve our customers healthier dishes. Sign up for our 21-day, Flexitarian program that offers support, recipes, and resources for eating less meat to start your journey. Together, we can take action for the earth's future, people, and animals.

Ethics Tree
Ethical business practices serve a company's best interests. Companies with a solid reputation better acquire and retain consumers, top personnel, and financial resources. Companies with dubious ethics lose customers, employees, and investors. To conduct business ethically entails more than merely adhering to all relevant rules and laws, even at the times of marketing. As a result, you must be truthful in all of your dealings with others, refrain from causing damage to others, and compete fairly.
Certified organic ethical labels is used by Broccoli Grille to best describes how the organic food we use is more environmentally friendly. The labels provide the standards directly related to the farming methods used to produce our products and indicates no artificial chemicals or fertilizers were used. An #EthicsTree of different activities influence organic food production and distribution that is diversified and accessible to consumers. Broccoli Grille supports the Organic Food Production Act (OFPA) because their polices relate to the development of organic standards for substances that get used in in organic production.
Our restaurant uses uniform organic food sources for the Broccoli Grille business, usually sourced from sources with questionable social standing. Customers in the Memphis area should acknowledge various products and social situations under which the restaurant's foods are made. Our composition and service of the product are honest and ethical to avoid harming the health of our prospective customers. The company hence operates on the hashtag: #healthyproductioctionforconsumption.
It is core that every business operating must consider being socially responsible in its operations, impacting society and the corporate world around it. The Broccoli Grille business focuses on providing an impressive societal reputation that will foster its bonds with many talented skills and potential customers. Additionally, the company is more focused on promoting ethics in its operations to encourage morality and ethical being amongst the employees, suppliers, and customers.